Monday, May 18, 2009

Gardening the Rural way

The  Time comes every year , and every year we are late but Yesterday the decision was made that the garden must be tilled for planting.


Its nice to have a garden plot bigger than the archive of Pelosi’s truthful statements so we used an abandoned earthen inslage pit to shield from the winds we get . 




First order of business is to get rid of the dammed Russian thistles ( Tumbleweeds ) as easily as possible so fire is involved .



As you can see it did a “ fair “ job  with most of the dead matter too thick to till .



Next you need to actually till the ground . We prefer a Garden tractor for this so here is ours .


First you must prepare the ground for tilling breaking it up a bit so it will till to a useable depth without big clods .



Then a couple of passes with this ….



and you get this..


One more pass with the original implement.



and you have the ground ready for planting including rows laid out for corn .



Drop the seed in , cover and water with either sprinkler hose or soaker drip hose and your in business .


That folks is how you might choose to do it if you farm .

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